IDECC - Institute for Development, Ecology, Conservation, and Cooperation joint BPC - Biodiversity Preservation Centre since 01 June 2016 

BPC is dedicated to the protection and preservation of Nigerian Biodiversity through field biological researches, conservation education, outreach programs, anti-Bushmeat campaigns and provision of alternatives to bushmeat through the “Only livestock” program and adopting sustainable NTFPs extraction and utilization.Collaborate with other local, national and international NGOs of like objectives to pursue a brighter and sustainable future for Nigerian biodiversity. That is to say, to promote a safe and Healthy world through sustainable in situ and ex-situ biodiversity conservation.

The Center, which started out as Primates Preservation Group (PPG), was initiated by conservation minded individuals in 1996 to advance scientific knowledge and conservation of its Biodiversity through field and practical based resource governance initiatives with local community participation. Since field activities have increased at various locations across Rivers State, Akwa Ibom State, Cross River State (an area reputed to be the last portion of the tropical moist forest remaining in Nigeria).The organization has enjoyed collaborative support from local institutions namely: Cross River National Park, (CRNP), The University of Uyo, Uyo, and University of Calabar, Calabar and the Nigerian Primate NGOs (Pandrillus and Cercopan). The group then metamorphosed to become Biodiversity Preservation Center (BPC) following increasing concerns to include other species aside from primates and the Nigeria environment in general. Eventually the Group had to be reorganized and restructured for incorporation in Nigeria by the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) of the Federal Government of Nigeria. At that point the Groups’ name was adjusted by (CAC) to Biodiversity Preservation Center (BPC).

Current Projects:BPC has been concerned with field biological research on the Cross-River gorillas (Gorilla gorilla diehli) and the Preuss’s red colobus monkey (Procolobus badius preussi) in the Obudu plateau and Mbe Mountains as well as the Ikpan Forest Block in the Oban group of Forests, all in the tropical moist forests of south Eastern Nigeria. BPC have undertaken outreach programmes to fight against the ever-increasing bushmeat trade.BPC has collaborated or associated with tertiary institutions and research organisations as well as other NGOs concerned with primates conservation.The organization has produced radio and television, talk shows, documentaries, newsletters and also participated in local and international conferences, seminars, workshops as well as consultancy on baseline studies and environmental impact assessment projects (EIA). Recently, BPC members have participated in herpetological, ornithological and mammalogical surveys especially in its project areas and Cross River National Park (CRNP).

(b)Monitoring and anti-bushmeat trade/poaching activities across southern Nigeria within and outside protected areas have been a continued process with attitude enrichment/enlightenment activities to sensitize the consumers against the consumption of endangered wildlife species and the need to domesticate adaptable and acceptable species.

(c)Monitoring of selected habitats for occurrence of wildlife species of conservation importance (especially, turtles, crocodiles, snakes and mammals) to report it and draw national and international conservation attention to such locations and inherent species for conservation action.

(d)Participating in national and international NGO activities to ensure adequate representation and exchange of information as well as to publish and place at the disposal of all research information generated through the activities of the group or its members.

Executive Director:

Dr Edem A. ENIANG, Full Professor at the University of Uyo, Nigeria 
