Dynamics of savannah large mammals in Burkina Faso (West Africa)


IDECC is currently working, in collaboration with scientists based at the Université de Ouaga 1 Professeur Joseph KI ZERBO /CUPD, at the Ministère de l’Environnement, de l’Economie Verte et des Changements Climatiques of Burkina Faso, and at GEGEBAO NGO, at studying and analyzing the population and community dynamics of large mammals (elephants, ungulates, hyaenas and lions) in the Sudanese savannahs of Burkina Faso. Our studies analyze in a modellistic perspective the interactions between these species and the effects that ecosystem engineers such as elephants may have on the ecosystems. Currently, we have five papers submitted, several draft papers in the course of editing, and new incoming datasets. We think that the data that are going to be collected and hopefully published will serve to considerably enhance our knowledge of the functional ecology of West African Sudanese savannahs


Burkina Faso


2015-to date

Project Director: Emmanuel M. Hema