- IDECC works in the field of development cooperation. In particular in the preservation of the biodiversity and the safeguarding of the threatened species.
- IDECC promotes local sustainable development by developing a scientific approach to reinforce the ecological and socio-economic model and to promote sustainable development.
- IDECC fights against the loss of natural and cultural heritage worldwide, with particular attention to West Africa. The "Natural Heritage" is considered in its most enlarged sense to include both the ecological environment and the socio cultural and economic ensemble. Therefore, the struggle for the preservation of diversity at risk defending the fundamental rights of individuals.
- IDECC pursues applied research dedicated to the preservation of the Natural Heritage.
- IDECC promotes a scientific approach of ecological economics pursuing the enhancement of biodiversity as a resource for economic development in balance with the environment. The environment becomes a key element for sustainable development and strengthening the sense of belonging to the territory of a population. The association promotes a holistic, participatory, people-centered and active involvement of local communities in the ecosystem management.
- IDECC promote vocational training, upgrading, improvement and information of teaching and non-teaching staff of schools for the implementation of measures in support of alternation between school and work, in favor of the school and components for the construction of educational interconnected network with the business and with the institutions.